Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sentence of the Day (Basic):

Assieds-toi, s'il te plaît !

Please sit down!

Words of the Day (Basic):


sécurité f.

= security

Example Sentence

Pour des raisons de sécurité, veuillez modifier votre mot de passe régulièrement.

For security reasons, please change your password regularly.



= busy, occupied

Example Sentence

Ces sièges sont-ils occupés ?

Are these seats taken?

4 Days ago

ferme f.

= farmhouse, farm

Example Sentence

Au total, nous avons dix-huit chevaux dans notre ferme.

In total, we have eighteen horses on our farm.

1 Week ago

armée f.

= army

Example Sentence

Il va bientôt s'engager dans l'armée.

He will join the army soon.

2 Weeks ago

poste f.

= post office

Example Sentence

Quelqu'un m'a volé mon portefeuille. Où se trouve le poste de police le plus proche ?

Somebody stole my wallet. Where is the next police station?

1 Month ago

chanson f.

= song

Example Sentence

Je n'aime pas le rythme de cette chanson.

I don't like the rhythm of this song.

2 Months ago

fruit m.

= fruit

Example Sentence

J'aime les fruits. Surtout les pommes et les poires.

I like fruit. Especially apples and pears.

Sentence of the Day (Basic):

Voulez-vous danser ?

Do you want to dance?

Words of Today's Sentence:

vouloir to want
vous you
danser to dance



= eighteen, 18

Example Sentence

Au total, nous avons dix-huit chevaux dans notre ferme.

In total, we have eighteen horses on our farm.


exercice m.

= exercise

Example Sentence

Cet exercice est difficile.

This exercise is difficult.

4 Days ago


= busy, occupied

Example Sentence

Elle est très occupée aujourd'hui et elle le sera également demain.

She is very busy today and tomorrow.

1 Week ago


= possible

Example Sentence

Je dois rendre visite à ma grand-mère dès que possible.

I have to pay my grandmother a visit as soon as possible.

French : Sentence of the day

Sentence of the Day (Basic):

Cela semble une bonne idée.

That sounds like a good idea.

Words of Today's Sentence:

cela that, it
sembler to appear, to seem
une a, an (article)
bon good
idée f. idea

French : Sentence of the day

Sentence of the Day (Basic):

Qui va s'en occuper ?

Who is going to take care of it?

Words of Today's Sentence:

qui who, that
aller to go
se himself, herself, each other
en in, as, by
occuper to take care of sth
Sentence of the Day (Basic):

Au voleur, arrêtez-le !

Stop that thief!

Words of Today's Sentence:

au à + le (preposition)
voleur m. thief
arrêter to stop
le (male definite article)

French : Sentence of the day

Sentence of the Day (Basic):

La vue d'ici est fantastique!

The view from here is fantastic!

Words of Today's Sentence:

la (female definite article)
vue f. 1. view 2. vision, seeing
d' 1. de + l' 2. de + verb starting with a vowel
ici here
être to be
fantastique fantastic

French : Sentence of the day

Sentence of the Day (Basic):

« Au revoir », dit-il, «il faut que j'y aille ».

"See you later", he said, "I have to go now."

Words of Today's Sentence:

Au revoir ! Goodbye!, See you later!
dire to say, to tell
il 1. he 2. it
il faut you must, we must
que that, what, than
je I
y there, on it, in it
aller to go